“ Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.” ― The Bhagavad Gita.

  • Good Vibes (for your Soul)

    Together, Pam and Deb gently guide you to relax into calm. This workshop offers you space to explore mantra, singing and heart opening awareness. A collection of curated instruments and voice, soothe and support the parasympathetic nervous system to rejuvenate, restore and reset.


  • Ally Emrich Paintings

    As an artist, Ally’s paintings follow the process of observation, material exploration, and vibrant colors as she creates work that lives in reality and imagination. Painting from observation lends both to it’s disconnect from reality and to her playfulness and joy in creating.

  • Inner Sun Yoga Studio Sound Massaage

    As a certified Peter Hess Sound Massage Practitioner, Deb offers individual sound massage in which Tibetan singing bowls are played gently on your fully-clothed body. In a session the sound of the bowls will tune in to your vibrational tones to help you gain control over anxiety, depression, muscle tension, pain, blood pressure and circulation. Your immune system will be activated, sleep will improve and you will notice increased mental and emotional clarity. Sound massage can also help you find stillness, happiness, peace and so much more.